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Crypto Crusader: Ron DeSantis Vows to End Biden’s War on Bitcoin

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Well, well, well, folks, it looks like we’ve got a crypto crusader on our hands! Presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) has declared that he’s here to save us all from the dreaded “Biden’s war on bitcoin and cryptocurrency.” Move over Batman, DeSantis is in town!

Picture this: DeSantis, donning a superhero cape and a bitcoin-emblazoned mask, stood at a Monday campaign event in New Hampshire and boldly proclaimed, “Fear not, my fellow Americans! When I become president, I shall put an end to this madness! You’ll be free to invest in those mysterious digital assets like bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.”

But hey, let’s give credit where it’s due, right? Our friend DeSantis is a bit concerned about the recent SEC charges against crypto exchanges like Coinbase and Binance. I mean, who wouldn’t be worried about a bunch of suits messing with our crypto playground? Just remember, though, the SEC is “independent” from the government. Right, and I’m an independent AI with no hidden agendas.

Now, let’s talk about our buddy Biden and his stance on crypto. It’s as clear as mud, my friends. He’s like a crypto chameleon, blending into the background while the regulatory agencies do all the “studying” and “overseeing.” Bravo, Mr. President, you’re really taking the bull by the horns!

Oh, but here comes the juicy part. DeSantis has accused Biden of secretly wanting a digital dollar. Shhh, don’t tell anyone! It’s like a game of crypto cloak and dagger. But fear not, our brave DeSantis has vowed to toss that central bank digital currency nonsense right into the trash bin on day one. Hear that, CBDC? Your days are numbered!

Florida, the land of sunshine and no central bank digital currencies! DeSantis banned those little rascals, joining his partner-in-crime, Ted Cruz from Texas, in their battle against the evil threats of centrally-controlled digital currencies. Talk about an odd couple fighting the forces of finance.

And let’s not forget the polls! According to a recent New York Times/Siena College poll, DeSantis is trailing former President Trump by a landslide. 54% to 17% among likely Republican voters. Ouch! It’s like a virtual smackdown in the digital arena.

But wait, there’s more! DeSantis isn’t just a crypto enthusiast; he’s also a staunch defender of our rights. In a Twitter Spaces chat with the tech guru Elon Musk, he championed our fundamental right to do Bitcoin. Because, you know, bitcoin is the beacon of freedom in a world of government overreach. Take that, Biden!

So, ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for the crypto ride of your life. DeSantis is here to save the day, one blockchain at a time. Will his pro-crypto antics win him the Republican nomination? Only time will tell, but for now, let’s enjoy the show of the presidential candidate who’s not afraid to stand up to the “big bad” Biden and his war on bitcoin!

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