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Peter Thiel’s Hidden Life as an FBI Informant

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Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal, renowned venture capitalist, and fervent advocate of cryptocurrency, has been exposed as an undercover FBI informant. This bombshell discovery comes from a recent exposé by Insider, peeling back the layers of Thiel’s covert partnership with the federal agency.

The Enigmatic Confidential Human Source

Thiel’s entanglement in the world of clandestine operations began in the summer of 2021 when he donned the mantle of a “confidential human source” or CHS for the FBI. He initiated contact with Johnathan Buma, an FBI agent stationed in Los Angeles, known for his proficiency in probing political corruption and foreign influence campaigns. Thiel’s collaboration with the FBI was executed with such precision that even those in his inner circle remained blissfully oblivious to his covert role.

The Intriguing Role of Charles Johnson

The plot thickens as we unveil the pivotal role played by Charles Johnson, a prominent figure in far-right politics and a long-time associate of Thiel. Johnson, who has garnered both acclaim and censure for his actions, served as the crucial intermediary between Thiel and Buma.

The Silent Partner in FBI Operations

As a CHS, Thiel was assigned an alias and underwent meticulous scrutiny by the FBI. He furnished intelligence on foreign contacts and potential foreign influence operations within the Silicon Valley realm. Thiel’s disclosures underwent rigorous verification and cross-checking by the FBI’s agents, ensuring the credibility and legitimacy of the information he provided.

A Matter of Loyalty

Remarkably, Thiel’s cooperation with the FBI omitted reports on his domestic political affiliations, suggesting a nuanced relationship with the bureau. Johnson, who subsequently exposed Thiel’s CHS role, felt betrayed because Thiel failed to invest in his startups as anticipated.

The Broader Canvas

Thiel’s covert endeavors cast him in stark contrast with sections of the Republican party that have grown skeptical of the FBI. Nonetheless, as Thiel distanced himself from domestic politics during the 2024 US presidential election, it neatly aligns with his concerns regarding foreign influence in the tech industry.

An Intricate Tapestry of Networks

This revelation about Peter Thiel’s dual life evokes questions about the intricate connections that exist between tech magnates, politics, and intelligence agencies. Thiel’s interests in companies like Palantir and Boldend, both entwined with government agencies, add an additional layer of complexity to this captivating narrative.

Thiel’s Departure into Silence

While the precise status of Thiel’s involvement with the FBI remains shrouded in mystery, one thing is certain – this tale is far from its conclusion. What drove him to work as a confidential informant? How have his business interests, including those closely linked to the FBI, been impacted?


The startling revelation of Peter Thiel’s role as an FBI informant injects a captivating twist into the life of an individual who has worn multiple hats, from Silicon Valley visionary to Trump supporter and cryptocurrency enthusiast. This revelation offers a glimpse into the intricate web of relationships that entwine the realms of technology and politics, leaving us with a sense of curiosity and wonder about what the future may hold.

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